
The Bird House Museum of Bridgeport Annual Card Board Show

This show consists of art works made by tremendous witty local artists. Challenged to create art work priced under $100 using cardboard. The fun unique pieces will be sold at affordable prices, just in time for the gift giving season. 


Extended Hours: SUNDAY, December 16th 1pm-8pm

We encourage those attending to use public transportation as parking is limited.  

Artists Participating Requirements:All work must be labled (artist name, sale price, contact info)
All work must be original
All work must be for sale
All work must be made of/on card board
Maximum price per piece can NOT EXCEED $100
Unframed Small Art Work preferred
Limit of 3 pieces per artist
Limit of 11"x14" dimension...(14"x11")
50% of Sales will be given to the artist
50% of Sales will be given to the Bird House Museum

Drop off times can be arranged prior to the exhibition, Dead line for drop off is December 13th 8pm at Cobalt Studio 1950 W. 21st Street, 1st FL.

Works will be accepted December 12th & 13th from Noon-8pm

Questions? email: cobaltartstudio@gmail.com  (SUBJECT: CARDBOARD SHOW)